Circular Economy - The Basics

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1.0 days




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  • Your Challenge
    Introducing new concepts such as circularity into a business context can lead to confusions if not everyone in the organization has the same understanding of the related terms and models. A lack of shared ideas and definitions can paralyze the efforts to induce change and develop new business models and circular strategies.

  • Our Solution
    Our circular economy introduction workshop helps you to align the relevant stakeholders within your company in order to start implementing circular economy. Together we define what circulairty means in the context of your organization, what the relevant terms and concepts are and where the differences between circularity and sustainability in general lie.

  • Outcome
    The circular economy introduction workshop creates momentum and a foundation for communication about circularity within your organization. It provides you with examples and success stories from your industry, while establishing a space for ideation and co-creation.

Save the date for the CIRCULAR REPUBLIC FESTIVAL 2025
May 22 - 23, 2025